Jun 28Liked by Linds Alyse

Just discovering this one month after my own move from the U.S. to Switzerland and it was exactly what I needed to hear! Thanks for sharing.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Aww I am so glad you found your way here 🫶🏼 Adjusting here takes so much time and I am so glad to (hopefully) show you that you aren't alone in any transition stickiness! Thank you for being here and welcome to Switzerland!

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I'm feeling the same way you are. I'm off. It doesn't feel like depression or 'lack of' but there is a disconnect and I aim to find myself and get back on track. Nice article and a wonderful reminder that we aren't alone.

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Thank you so much for sharing this Patty, and sorry it's taken me way too long to respond! It's so helpful to know I am not alone in this feeling, and that others also feel this disconnect that doesn't always have to mean depression. Which for me I always wonder, is it that again?! I hope you've found a few steps back to yourself, and if so, I'd love for you to share, because I am still trying 🤍

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Mar 16Liked by Linds Alyse

This was me at the beginning of Feb. I was in a funk and it took a bit to get out of it.

I hope you're feeling better, it's no fun!!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Well, we've yet to *really* see the sun here so the doom and gloom is still real! But so happy to hear you've also had these funky times and come out the other side! There is hope 🥰

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Thoroughly enjoying reading this piece Linds. It took me a long time to learn change is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth.

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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful reply Pách! It doesn't come intuitively right? But I couldn't agree with you more, that when we embrace it (even if we don't love it) we can learn to grow and move with it.

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hey there! I am all week sweatpants kinda person too! mostly cause of my kid lol! Thats besides the point. I like that you are being honest with yourself and not beating yourself up sometimes is the key. Cause you can only work on something when you fully accept your reality! Hope you feel better and grow in so many other ways! Sending some positive vibes from Seattle :)

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Hi Medha! Love to meet a fellow sweatpants advocate. You are so right- admitting where we are at and learning to accept is freeing in itself, and then allows for progress to be made! Thank you for being here and your support. Ooo you've brought me back to so many amazing times in Seattle - we used to live in Portland and would spend many weekend up there! Cheers xoxo

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Well, HI and hello there, my fellow same-sweatpants-all-week friend 😁 Let me tell you that feeling is not exclusive to Zurich!

Canadian here and I love your honesty. I probably could have written your post word for word, different location, add a bunch of dog hair on the side. Acknowledging is half the battle! Starting a Substack is the other half...it's the I'm here too 😁

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You are my kind of person! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts - this one fought me hard so to hear it resonated means the world. Cheers to another week of coziness, pet snuggles and sharing to the online world 🥰

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